The Golf Widow's Revenge by Patricia Jean SmithWhat transformed Patricia Jean Smith’s newlywed bliss into marital mayhem, swept away her romantic young husband and condemned her to life as a widow? Nothing less than the friendly advice of her physician, a Scotsman whose prescription for the good life was “Golf”. From Hadrian’s Wall to the sacred shrine of St. Andrew’s to the local ritual of Stag Night, The Golf Widow’s Revenge takes a delightful irreverent look at the game of golf.

“I have a library getting on to 3,000 golf books and I can’t think of any one of those many books which I enjoyed more than reading The Golf Widow’s Revenge. In reading this book, I will not say that I suffered greatly but recognized someone I know – me. We churls have been exposed before but never with such grace, wit and wisdom. I appreciated that. You have produced a pearl. Fortunately, I heard about your book and count it among my blessings that I had enough sense to get a copy. In that library of almost 3,000 golf books there are many treasures but none will be more treasured than yours.”

– Joseph S.F. Murdoch

Member: Museum Committee, U.S.G.A., Golf Writers Association of America (retired), Golf Collectors Society, British Golf Collectors Society (Honorary), International Philatelic Golf Society, Golf Historical Society of Canada.

A very funny novel based on the author’s own experiences after her young husband’s doctor advised him to take up golf.

Brims with delightfully witty tales about the adventures, trials and heroics of golf widowhood.


Author: Smith, Patricia Jean. Illustrated by cartoonist Trish Turner (Jacket illustration by Rosemary Morrissey-Herzberg)

Format/binding: Hardcover

ISBN 10: 0809248026

  • Binding: Hardcover
  • ISBN 10: 0809248026
  • ISBN 13: 9780809248025
  • Publisher: Contemporary Books, Inc.
  • Place: Chicago
  • Date published: 1986
  • Keywords: Humor, Golf, Satire




Double Bind by Patricia Jean SmithThe Golf Widow's Revenge by Patricia Jean Smith